The Future

Here are some tenative plans for the future:

1. GLAC-5 will be finished REALLY,REALLY, SOON. There’s just a little bit of editing, clean-up, and “packaging” (as much as a virtual product can be packaged). I even did a little editing as recently as last night.

2. My current intent is to have at least one release per month in 2006. It’s not as ambitious as V/VM Test’s plan for next year, but it’s probably the best I can do right now.

3. More new acts: Metal Spoon and the Four Dimensional Sexy Ladies are at least tangentially associated with this label.

4. Expect the first release of 2006 (GLAC-9) to be a g23 EP. Two or three (maybe even four?) new tracks (some of which have been in planning for a little while, but I’ve been inspired as to how to make them happen lately)

5. Hopefully some more video projects will be coming, but that’s a bit more time consuming than just audio.

6. Expect some “micro-performances” at barely-announced times.

7. If anyone is interested in “signing” with us to put out your release online, Let us know via either commenting here, or sending me an e-mail (here). We may try to do some kind of compilation too, if you only have a few songs to put out.

And lastly, a question to the readers of this thing – any interest in Glacial Communications Stuff (i.e. things you can physically buy)? I’m just curious.

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