Ok, I’m going to start kinda documenting what’s going on with the radio show again. Posts will go here, and eventually, I’m going to do some kind of XSLT on the RSS feed to turn it into a “real looking web page” on pressthebutton.com
What did we hear?
-A group called “Kangaroo Kourt” doing a collage called “Atmospheric Distortions”
-A remix of Senator Ted Stevens yammering on about “tubes”
–Cary Grant singing about Station Identification
-Artists from the Centre for Composition of Music Iannis Xenakis
-Footage from the Ingenuity Festival.
-Call-ins from random people: geometrists, people in bands we haven’t heard of, others.
Update: links have been added. At some point, Widget will have an account here to add her contributions to the show posts (and whatever else she wants).