PTB – 5/2/2007

The first 90 minutes or so were a recording of the jam session that occurred at Notacon 4. It was very odd, especially since some instruments were not present in the recording (a guitar and bass that had their own amps).

I followed this with a couple of solo tracks I’ve been working on, including my submission to Notacon’s (at least this year) associated demoparty, Blockparty, a track called echoHC.

This was followed by nullsleep’s Depeche Mode Gameboy Megamix.

The last minute or two were an experiment with live performance of chiptune-style music using GoatTracker (my latest musical obsession). Hope it didn’t suck too much.

I promise I’ll catch up the April show descriptions soon. It was a rather busy month (especially leading up to Notacon) and I’ve barely had time to do much else.

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