I’ve got a couple of appearances coming up soon:
- April 4th, at Notacon in Cleveland – I’ll be giving a presentation titled “Your Circuits, Let Me Help You Bend Them”. Originally envisioned as a circuit-bending workshop, it seems to be evolving into a more general DIY electronic music overview. If you’re coming and have an interesting instrument you would like to show off, let me know – I want to try to have a “show and tell” section to the presentation. If there is interest in some hands-on musical hacking, comment and we’ll try to get some space and time for a session.
- April 18th and 19th, at Penguicon in Troy, Michigan. I’ll be administering(?) two workshops – one on the Arduino platform on the 18th, and one on “circuit-bending” (but more likely, playing with Paia 2-transistor ribbon controller kits). Actual circuit-bending may occur, but you may wish to contact me ahead of time.
If you’re attending either of these, I have checklists of useful information and tools/parts to bring here (for circuit-bending) or here (for Arduino)
Also, you may want to stay tuned here or at my LJ for any updates.