No major Sound Lab progress this week – I’ll have to make a Kinko’s run to get a front panel laminated.
Decent Arduino Sequencer progress- Front panel for what I’ll call “Arduino Sequencer V1.5” is basically done. 1.5 will be a better version of the original that I attempted to debut at Notacon, but with fewer of the hardware bugs that kept it from working during the presentation (it even worked during setup! I swear!). The “2.0” additions (start/stop switch, LEDs, external clock out, etc.) will be done a little later. I also tossed together the RBBB that will be the brains of the sequencer last night (note to anyone reading – the two resistors in an RBBB rev B are different. Place them carefully or suffer my fate – I mixed them up and it turned into a minor fiasco.
At Electronoize Playshop this week we worked on 40106-based oscillators. Here’s some video of that: