I’m a couple of days late posting this – I’ve been busy.
Sound Lab (Yes! Sound Lab progress!): Front panel was laminated (at the high, high cost of 30 cents). I’m hoping to get the front panel knobs and switches mounted this week/weekend. Considering adding at least a couple of patch points (filter input for sure, maybe more?)
mini-modular stuff: built the Beavis Audio Research version of the 567 modulator. Debating adding a second 1/4″ output to the CMOS box – that way two oscillator chains can be processed separately.
Misc: Got a couple of Thinwire->UTP ethernet converters similar in size to the fiber->UTP converters used in this Arduino effects pedal. Given that I have more Arduinos than I know what to do with, you can see where that’s headed…
Got some pots & knobs from Mendelson’s (with longer than normal shafts, so they may be better for the thick wood of the effects box…) Of course the pots are all D-shaft, and the knobs spline-shaft, so there’s a bit of a disconnect there, but it’s not a big deal. I needed more spline-shaft knobs anyway.
And if you’re in Cleveland and interested in this sort of stuff – Go to Bella Dubby this Friday. Should be almost entirely DIY electronic instruments(the only non-DIY one being the guitar in the Telecat Prowlers set). I may even bring my gear and try to crash it 😉