That SN76477 noisemaker I talked about last time? It’s done.
Take a look:
Is it done? There might still be a bug or two to deal with, and there is tons of room for expansion- both on the panel and on the protoboard that the circuit lives on. Filter? Bitcrusher? LM567 modulator? Crazy banana plug patching scheme amongst these things? Who knows?
Awesome. Looks like you painted the panel with cake frosting. If only birthday cakes sounded this cool.
Would you mind elaborating on your changes to the Saratronics schematic? The one-shot/continuous I can probably figure out, but what looked weird? I was also thinking of adding more positions to some of the selectors with more capacitor choices. I also have some of these 1K 10 turn pots with a vernier dial which could be used as a fine adjustment to some of the parameters….tom
@Tom: The one-shot/continuous switch was probably the biggest change – the other things I did were a direct 9V connection to the unregulated power pin in addition to the 5V at the regulated pin (I’ve seen other schematics that do this as well, though the benefit is unclear to me), and an explicit ground connection on all of the switches instead of leaving them unconnected as shown in the schematic. I also considered adding a switch for the other envelope select pin, and tried it at the breadboard stage but it didn’t seem worth the effort to me.
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