I read Bre Pettis and Kio Stark’s Manifesto of the Cult of Done earlier today. While I liked some elements, IÂ didn’t like others (#5 in particular – I usually can’t even source parts for a project in a week, let alone finish…). It did get me thinking, though. So I came up with my own.
My own, simple, manifesto for the month of March:
- No new projects. Finish all the ones I’ve started. Then I can move on to the next ones when these are Done.
- No buying parts for unstarted projects. Only those needed to finish ones that are started(*).
I’ve got something like six or eight different circuits in various states of construction or debugging. Time to get that number down. Zero would be preferable, but I’ll see where I end up at the end of the month…
The sad thing is, about ten minutes after I declared this to myself, I came up with some more awesome ideas. But they now have to wait. No sooner than April, or maybe even May (I’ve got Blockparty to think about too!) Instead, these new ideas are just getting written down in my “Electronic Project List” in Google Docs. When I’m ready to take on a new project, they’ll be there, waiting for me.
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