I managed to fix no fewer than three Arduino boards this week – two had broken battery clip wires – one of which was my MIDI sequencer that broke during AHMW, and the third apparently wasn’t actually broken, but just refused to be a Pocket Piano during AHMW. It’s happy now.
Having fixed the sequencer and APP, I uploaded this polyphonic FM sketch into the APP, and then did a tiny bit of recording – here’s an excerpt. One channel is my MG-1 being sequenced by the sequencer, and the other is the APP being manipulated while playing a chord. As the title implies, this might be a rough sketch of things to come in Volume II (of course it would help if Volume I got released sometime soon! For those curious, Volume I is close, just gotta finish the artwork, mass-produce that, and get it to Ryan…)
Also, the Gristleizer is starting to get Gristle-y. Somebody pointed out an error in the layout diagram that when fixed, made things somewhat happier. I’m not sure if it’s perfect yet, but it definitely seems closer to usable. I may fool with it a bit more over the weekend.
Also also, I got my Where’s The Party At? 8-bit sampler kit and managed to get it finished during some vacation days last week. Lots of fun. Expect a demo or something soon. Trying to figure out an appropriate way of getting voltage control of the sync input. I’m thinking a CD4046 PLL ought to cover it, but need to do some prototyping and testing. An oscilloscope wouldn’t hurt either, but I haven’t got one…
Finally, I put together one of the GetLofi APC 2.0 PCBs I ordered months and months ago. I like it better than the one I built a couple of years ago – it actually works right!
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