Some WTPA demos

I spent a little more time playing with the Where’s The Party At? 8-bit sampler this evening. I first tried my theorized CD4046 voltage-to-sync circuit, but that didn’t seem to work. Not sure where the problem lies, but I think I’ll need a scope to figure it out for sure.

That said, I then made a couple of quick demo MP3s. The first is a straight up demo: wtpademo.mp3. I play a loop on my RY10, and sample it into the WTPA at its highest fidelity. I let it play for a few bars, and then messed with the sample rate a bit. Then I try some of the special effects – reverse, half speed, one of the “math modes” which takes it into an overdrive, backwards halfspeed, and then triggered playing. Note that this demo only uses one of the sample banks.

The second demo uses the fact that you can vary the  sample rate while recording: drumfight.mp3. This is two loops from the RY10, varispeed-sampled into the WTPA, and then manipulated. This again, didn’t take advantage of the banks – I just multitracked it. The first loop plays alone the first fifteen seconds, then the second fades in over the next fifteen seconds and the two play side by side for a minute or so. Then the second starts getting its sample rate further manipulated.

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