GLAC-11: Lunar Suite EP

This past weekend saw a performance at the Recycled Rainbow benefit at the Phoenix Project. I did a little piece based on the 40th anniversary of the first Moon landing, since  a) I’ve been fascinated with space travel since I was a child, and b) because the RR theme this year is Elevation, I figured I’d go with the most any human being has ever been elevated above the surface of the Earth…

I attempted a reconstruction of it tonight:

Lunar Suite A (rough mix)

And as a b-side, here’s an earlier instrumental demo version

Lunar Suite B

I will probably go back and re-do Lunar Suite A again, but I really wanted to get the thing released tonight, in an albeit limited form, since it is the exact anniversary of the landing.

There’s also a longer (75-80 minute), low-fi (due to WRUW’s 56k archive)  version available here (mp3 here for a few months).

Anyone want to whip up some cover art?

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