So, way back in May, I built the “Where’s The Party At?” DIY sampler, and had a CV-to-sync circuit that didn’t work.
Well, it’s working now!
Last night, I was reading some random CD4046 schematic/datasheet/something-or-other, when I suddenly realized that I didn’t think pin 5 (inhibit) on my circuit was grounded as it should be. Go back and look at my breadboard (yes, I’ve left that on the breadboard for almost six months…). Sure enough- not connected. Fix that, find some connectors and whatnot, and try it out. It mostly kind of sort of worked! It wasn’t perfect, and needed some adjustments, but I was able to control the WTPA’s sample rate from an LFO on the modular!
I went back and made some more adjustments, including an on/off switch and some voltage protection, and actually recorded a little ditty with it:
glacial23: Deep Space CB Transmissions
This is a sample into the WTPA, which is getting its sync controlled by the Blacet Micro LFO (and later that’s being controlled by the MFOS VCLFO). The output from the WTPA is going into the PS3100 Resonators. That’s pretty much the patch.
I’ll post my circuit soon, in case anybody else wants to CV their WTPA.