Two shows, one week

As mentioned in the previous post, I’m playing bela dubby on the 27th. Last week, I was asked to play a show at Pat’s in the Flats on the 24th. Since I haven’t played there in years (maybe in 2004 with The Button? My Live page says May 21, 2004, which was a most excellent show with what’s now Indian Jewelry headlining, but I digress…), I quickly accepted. Now to make each show compelling enough that folks will want to go to both…

My plan is to provide a different experience at each show. Wednesday’s will feature the modular prominently, and Saturday will be more beat driven, with some of the new songs I’ve been working on since May, so it may resemble the show from the 11th or the Grog Shop show. Hints of that sort of stuff may be found at my recent soundcloud uploads.

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