lotsa PTB updatage

Take a break for a couple of weeks, and it turns into almost a month…

Ok, let’s see what’s happened the last four weeks:

6/20/2007 was done by the lovely and talented Widget. I haven’t had a chance to listen yet, but she said it was awesome.

6/27/2007 was subbed by DJ Eisenmann of “Soundtrack to the Holy Wars”.

7/4/2007 was a collection of field recordings (some from my recent Bay Area trip, and some fireworks from the 3rd) being processed in real time with some additional samplage.

7/11/2007 was more field recordings from the 3rd and 4th, and a recording of my recent adventure. I did the processing a little differently this time, running the entire program signal through a long digital delay (on an Alesis Wedge) and then feeding it back into the mix. Ended up with some nice distortions.

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