While I’ve reached a “pause point” on the Sound Lab, I decided to revisit the Arduino 8-step MIDI sequencer I built for my presentation at Notacon. There are a number of improvements to be made and bugs to be fixed (for those who were there, you may remember it completely failed for the demo – it worked great during setup, but not the demo itself)
What I plan to do:
- Simplify Panel Wiring – I somewhat ridiculously wired the panel originally. Instead, it’s going to get a 5V bus and a ground bus, which will cut panel-PCB wiring by a lot. I’ll also fix the issue with the MIDI output while I’m at it…
- Add a Clock output/tempo indicator – This will be for sync with the Baby 8 sequencer that I haven’t built yet.
- Properly implement a start/stop button – I originally was going to use an on/off switch, but that didn’t work right in the original design so I scrapped it. Since then, I got some of these LED-equipped lever switches, so it will have “running” and “stopped” indicators as well.
- Switch the PCB to a 276-159, and permanently hardwire it to a Modern Device RBBB – they’re selling 5 RBBB kits for the price of one Arduino Nano – how can I refuse?
I think those are all the major changes in store. Stay tuned!