Less progress than I would have hoped. Unfortunately work was rather busy this week (and weekend!)
What’s been done in the last week:
Sound Lab
- Cut Acrylic front panel
- sort out exactly what I need to finish (a 33k resistor, better trimmers, power supply stuff)
Arduino Sequencer V2:
- Design Schematic
- Desoldered VCC/GND connections from pots
“Big Baby 8” (My version of the Baby 10 sequencer):
- More-or less sorted out how to do it
- Developed a schematic (but I’ll post about that process later. Long story short: gschem on OS X==not fun)
- Figured out the difference between parts it needs, and parts on hand
- Started putting together BOM of what I need.
- I should really order the PCB.
Mankato Filter (Since the SN-Voice doesn’t have a VCF, I’ll probably build one of these to go with it, unless anyone’s got a better idea for a VCF…):
- Created a Mouser BOM, but it turns out those aren’t exportable and I’m probably not getting everything there anyway…which makes me wonder why I went through the whole process. I dunno. It was a learning experience, and the project manager is about the closest they come to a wishlist, I guess.
Cigar Box Modular:
- Not much – anyone know where I can find some tiny L-brackets for mounting the PCBs into the box? All my online searching has stymied me.
In related news to all this – If you’re a Clevelander and interested in Synth-DIY-ish things, check out this ExBe post, and contact bbob if you wanna join up. I intend to.