Summer of Synth-DIY: Week 15

Not a lot to report, as expected.

Sound Lab: Finished mounting switches on panel, started mounting components onto panel (39k 1% resistors went AWOL? Ugh.). Drilled holes for 1/4″ jacks along the top of the panel. Trying to finish this thing quickly.

Arduino Sequencer: Made a quick code change (Note #0 is now equal to a rest). Will probably have to make a small wiring change in order to add an AWESOME new feature (at least, I hope it’s awesome…)

Drum Box…OF DOOM! : Planning. Pledged to get a batch of SDS3 voice boards.

Modular: Planning. Still trying to determine requirements, etc.

Other: Taking an interest in Ken Stone’s Junkbox Challenge. I have a whole box of random parts (most from old VCRs, I think, that’s ripe to be used for this.

I think these updates will have a new title soon, since summer’s effectively over.

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