Adobe Soundbooth

Adobe recently announced the Beta of Soundbooth, a Cool Edit/Audition-lite-y kind of audio editor. I had some good hopes for this, since I’m an old-school Cool Edit Fan who has since moved on to better Operating Systems. While I like Audacity, it does crash a bit more often than I’d like.
So far the beta sucks. Maybe. I can’t tell because I can’t get it to run, since it’s incompatible with SoundFlower, which I’ve been known to use on occasion. It’s also only available for x86-based Macs at present. (Why? do they just not get the concept of Universal Binaries, or are they doing something really dumb like using x86 assembly language subroutines from the Audition codebase?) That of course rules out trying it on my wife’s iBook G4…

Update: Apparently Adobe has a fix ready for the SoundFlower incompatibility, which will be ready in the next beta release. Also, from what I’ve been reading, it does sound like some hand-assembled and/or SSE2 specific code (likely borrowed from Audition) is in the Soundbooth code, explaining its non-Universalness (which is still kinda lame).

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