I just uploaded a new version of MIDILights for your perusal. It’s now got support for using MIDI controllers to affect luminosity, hue and whatnot.
I also included a separate composition called MIDINotes, which is the macro patch I use to determine the note played, since QC makes that really hard. It doesn’t give the actual MIDI note, just 1-12 (C-B), or 0 if off. The “velocity” resembles actual velocity, but it’s not correct if you’re playing multiple notes at once, so beware!
I also removed the standalone executable – with QC’s crappy MIDI implementation (you have to choose the MIDI input inside the composition, rather than it taking a default and running with it), it probably didn’t work for anyone but me, or maybe someone else who ran MIDIkeys before starting it up. I may take a stab at doing some kind of CoreMIDI-based implementation, but it won’t be any time soon.