PTB – 11/22/2006
This was a rearranged/doubled/effected version of OTE‘s The Trip Receptacles. All mashed up using djay.
This was a rearranged/doubled/effected version of OTE‘s The Trip Receptacles. All mashed up using djay.
This was rather shortwave themed. Sound was manipulated by a combination of GarageBand and djay. A large percentage came from WFMU‘s The Professor, and his sprawling collection that he regularly posts. Some other bits were from Tree Helicopter’s Moon Calf album(it’s really good!) and Dan Willems’ Multi-Band compilation(also quite good).
Since we were rather ill-prepared this week, we took it a little easy and played the Chicago date of the Negativland It’s All In Your Head tour.
Oops – posting this a bit late. This was a second halloween mix, since there was plenty of material left over from the previous week.
Adobe recently announced the Beta of Soundbooth, a Cool Edit/Audition-lite-y kind of audio editor. I had some good hopes for this, since I’m an old-school Cool Edit Fan who has since moved on to better Operating Systems. While I like Audacity, it does crash a bit more often than I’d… Continue reading